worship resources
Our Worship Coordinator is David Dorey.
Here you can access resources and links we think you will find helpful if you are part of our worship team.

Whole team
Jesse Duley (Vineyard UK & Ireland Worship Training Co-Ordinator) has created a series of short videos unpacking each value and what that means for us as we worship.
1 intimacy
2 accessibility
3 integrity
4 kingdom expectation
5 passion
Harmony Smith, Director of Worship for Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland interviews a number of guests on the topic of ‘What is Worship?’.
Conversations about worship and transformation.
Church presentation software
Sound desk (NB// sadly there are no official youtube tutorials for this desk but this guy seems to make things very understandable - (if you find a better tutorial please share).
Chord sheets that you can transpose and personalise. Also great for trying out keys to sing in if you don't play a chordal instrument. Username: PVineyard p/w PVCworship23
Harmony Smith and Jess Dudley explain how the Nashville Number System can help you lead worship.
Director of Worship for Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland Harmony Smith shares her insights on the art of crafting a set list.